Grand Lodge Staff
Grand Secretary
To oversee and manage Grand Lodge files, packaging mail to Lodges and printing, distribution and receiving annual reports, proofread all publications, all inclusive-from invitations to preparing reports..
Grand Treasurer
R.W. Bro. Derick Berridge, PJGW
To oversee and prepare Grand Lodge accounts, prepare quarterly reports, maintain records of invoices and expenses, mailing cheques, filing of invoices.
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R.W.Bro. Joao Falcao AGM
To oversee the Grand Lodge Charity, to plan on-going programs, to report on chartable giving to the community and emergency relief applications.
W. Bro. Des Brown, SGD, to organize fund raising events for Charity
Forward Planning
M.W. Bro. Ian.L.Hutchinson,GM
R.W.Bro. Leslie Geyser DGM
R.W.Bro. Joao Falcao AGM
To oversee and program — prepare for the future