Freemasons Information


Important Notice

As a Freemason of the Gran Logia Simbolica, it is considered Masonically improper to communicate with other jurisdictions except through the Grand Secretary. Please take notice of this very important notice.


Lodge Secretary’s Annual Meeting

It is with hope each year to be able to hold a Lodge secretary’s meeting to strengthen their collective knowledge and administrative operations enhancing communication with the Grand Secretary’s office


Community involvement in España e Iberia

Although Masonic ritual varies from Grand Lodge to Grand Lodge, every candidate should be aware that the essential part of Freemasonry is Charity. In our First degree reference is made to charity and to assist those less fortunate than ourselves.

Our Charities come in many forms both large and small; the Lodge may assist in giving donations to support some part of the community. The Grand Lodge will no doubt have an on-going program


Freemasonry is a fraternity, a Brotherhood or Organization for men, however saying that there are Grand Lodges for Women.

In our Brotherhood you will find men of good character of all walks of life, Judges, Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers and every profession one may think of, of all ages.

There are almost two million members in North America and world wide there is over four and a half million members.

Freemasonry has no religion, but would be members for Masonry must have a belief in a Supreme Being, whether it is God, Jehovah, Allah or any other name of the Deity, its holy writings of the Bible, the Tora or the Koran. Freemasonry encourages every member to be active in his own religion.

Our Masonic Lodges are not intended for business or political or religious agendas. Men join freemasonry for the fellowship, maybe there is a family tradition with fathers, grandfathers or uncles in a Lodge, or in different Lodges. Once admitted a Brother can match his abilities and follow the many activities that freemasonry can offer, however no Brother is pushed beyond his means.

The ritual of the first three degrees are beautiful, of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols, each degree is carried out with dignity.

Being a Mason does take your time, maybe you will attend a weekly Lodge of Instruction and your Lodge may meet six or seven times a year. Then you will find the socializing side of freemasonry, which will enable your family to take part in Barbeques, dinners, fund raising and many other events, which brings us together as a happy family.

Within Grand Lodge their will be Provincial Grand Lodges covering different areas, each with its own Provincial Grand Master and his officers, Once a year there will be an Annual Grand Lodge investiture meeting when all Grand Lodge officers are invested.

Nobody for sure knows the beginning of freemasonry, only the Great Architect of the Universe can answer that question, but probably it started in the 15 th century with those operative craftsmen who built magnificent cathedrals, churches and Castles.

In these medieval times craftsmen established long term projects, took meals together slept under the same roof and established a permanent Lodge, which was referred to simply as a Lodge. Today freemason’s use those same term’s “Lodge” when they meet.

Once these craftsmen had completed their duties at a particular site, carrying their skills in their head and their tools in a bag these travelling Brethren made their way to the next castle or cathedral site. There were many perils on those roads, robbery or even murder, as these were lawless days. So what could be more natural than seeking other fellow craftsman and asking for help.

How did these craftsmen recognize each other as skilled Masons? our ancient Brethren carried a password to gain access to a Lodge.

As skilled craftsmen they received high wages and as time went by, villages no longer needed defences, construction moved to cities as did the skilled craftsmen who settled down establishing roots and permanent Lodges in every town and citiy. These skilled craftsmen become the middle class of these cities, neighbours couldn’t help but notice their good life, it soon became abundant that they should seek to join and once they asked those skilful craftsmen the answer was “Yes”.

The evolution of the Masonic Lodges changed from stone Masons to shapers of men, the craftsmen were called Operative Masons and those who joined became Speculative freemasons.

Therefore the craftsmen have changed through the ages, but the landmarks have stayed firm and will never change as it has a rich history and heritage.

Want to know more, contact the Grand Secretary’s office,