Senior Grand Warden
RWB Vicente Mols
Junior Grand Warden
R.W. Bro. David Zachariah Hagi
Grand Inspector
RWB Manuel Neves
Grand Inspector
R.W. Bro. Sergio Nuno de Silva Duro
Grand Chaplain
RWB Peter D. Browning
Grand Treasurer
RWB Derick Berridge
Grand Secretary
Grand Registrar
RWB Stephen Holmes
President of the General Board
V.W. Bro. Raymond Glen
Grand Director of Ceremonies
V.W. Bro. Gary Gresty
Grand Almoner
VWB A. Calapez Correa
Grand Inspector of the Works
WB Luiz Eugenio Pereira
Grand Sword Bearer
W.B. Manuel M da Ponte
Deputy Grand Secretary
WB Ken Rice
Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
VWB Jose Felipe
Senior Grand Deacon
W.Bro. Peter Michael Jones
Senior Grand Deacon
WB Desmond Brown
Junior Grand Deacon
WB Miguel Gomez Morales
Junior Grand Deacon
W.Bro. Rui Almeida Mota
Grand Standard Bearer
W.Bro. Joao Paulo Cruz Novo
Grand Pursuivant
W.Bro. Hector Peris
Grand Steward
W.B Victor Manuel Fernandes Pedro
Grand Steward
Bro. Anthony Barrow
Grand Steward
Bro. Mario Jose Oliveira de Jesus
Grand Organist
WB J Rodriguez
Grand Tyler